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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Best Opportunity I Have Ever Seen.

Do you want to be better off in the next five years? How about in one year? Next month? Everyone hopes for better, but few take action. Recent studies have shown that in a group of 100 people with an average age of 30 today; by time they would reach age 65; 54% are broke, 36% will be dead and 5% will still be working……. A SCARY REALITY! However, there is an alternative as represented by the other 5% who have created personal wealth.

You ask yourself how? Most will be independent business owners! You can start your own business today with TCN, a proven solution that is working for thousands today, and change your future, today!

TCN will build its position as an industry leader by doing things with a cutting edge strategy. After all, who else would think that ordinary people, looking for something better in life, would be the best way for a company to succeed? We feel pretty confident you’ll find the opportunity you are looking for with TCN, whether it be part-time or full-time, or anywhere in between.  Start Now !!!!!!!

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

More Money In the New Year!!
Give Yourself A Raise!
Don't be Afraid to Start Earning!
Get Paid Everyday!
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Why Wait? IT'S 100% FREE

Check it out here.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shared Success

Thanks to great vision and smart business practices, we're a very profitable company. But that's not the only way we measure our success. We also measure it by how many people's lives we help make better off than before. While most businesses thrive on competition, we ask the question, "Why can't success depend on sharing?" It works like this. You're rewarded for sharing our products with others. You're rewarded even more by helping others to do the same. So that the more successful those people become, the more you benefit. And sure, the more we benefit. Because sharing makes everyone's share more valuable. But there's more to it than sharing financial reward. We believe this is the start of a revolutionary business and social model, one that demonstrates how businesses can help solve many of the world's most pressing problems. Some simply call it the Golden Rule. We call it Shared Success.

Our Independent Referral Agents will change their lives and the lives of others around the world through sharing the TCN business opportunity. And you can too! Life truly is too short. Many times, we go through the years not taking the best care of ourselves, working too many hours in a day, not enjoying the good things in life, waiting until we have time or until the timing is right. Life should be about living your dreams, reaching your goals, a healthy lifestyle, looking great, and feeling even better and sharing these dreams with others.

But how do we get there from here?

Whatever your goals and dreams, whatever your needs, whatever your wants, timing is everything, and the time could be right for you to take a look at TCN. We help Referral Agents to achieve your goals; we are committed to offering a long-term, home-based business opportunity to families around the world and sharing TCNs success with our Employees and Referral Agents.

We invite you to take a closer look. Whether you are looking for fabulous products, a proven business opportunity, or both, you have found it here.

We invite you to join us as a Referral Agent on our pursuit to becoming a billion dollar enterprise which shares it success with those that help us get there.

Market Trends and Timing

There are always fads and fashions in any industry or profession where there’s intense competition. Network Marketing is no exception; it’s just that that competition in Network Marketing is equally about products and customers as it is about attracting and keeping Referral Agents. Fads come and go constantly. Trends, on the other hand, develop over a period of time and are linked to underlying causes that reflect the changing needs of human society as a whole.

Technological progress has transformed Network Marketing over the past decade, and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. The impact of computers, hardware, software and networking, has revolutionized the nature and operation of Network Marketing. Automated record keeping, bonus calculation and processing (including electronic funds transfer), desktop publishing, database creation and maintenance, mailing and more have made the four essential components of successful Network Marketing more accessible, affordable and more effective. Technology is neither good nor bad. It depends on what we do with it, and why and how we do it. We need to be aware of this risk, and avoid the tendency that often develops in connection with technology… impersonal “processing” rather than personal interaction. Like most tools, technology is a brilliant servant, but a disastrous master. TCN has thwarted this trend by focusing on it People and not its System.

Fundamental changes in business, brought about largely by technological advances and, to a lesser extent, by greed on the part of stockholders and senior corporate managements, are imposing serious changes on how we live. No longer is there any illusion of job security, seniority or loyalty in the work place. Disillusionment is the true hallmark of all these changes. Consequently, there is a growing groundswell of people, well-educated, skilled and experienced, discarded by traditional business systems, who are increasingly willing to consider Network Marketing as a viable option for them. Many, if not most, of these professionals would rarely have contemplated involvement in Network Marketing until now. Once they adapt their existing expertise to the unique nature of Network Marketing, they generally build their business faster than ever. They thrive in the dynamic, co-operative, synergistic, interdependent, relationship-based environment of this most enlightened, egalitarian form of free enterprise. These are the people now shaping the future of Network Marketing for the twenty-first century. By positioning your TCN business in front of these worldwide trends it can be as big and successful as you want it to be. It all depends on you.

You have probably heard the phrase many times, "timing is everything". There is a great deal of truth in that statement. The difference between a good joke and a bad one is a person's sense of timing. An appropriate pause makes a joke . . . an inappropriate pause can kill the same joke. Timing is essential when dealing with people. You don't ask for a raise when business is not going well or when things are tense around the office. Timing in Life; throughout our lives we spend way more time thinking about where we have been than where we are going. Do you find yourself sitting in contemplation at times wondering "What If?" What if I had chosen this path vs. the one I am on? What if I had made this change, married that person, finished my degree, quit that job. Timing is important in every aspect of your life and now is the time to make the changes you have long desired. TCN has correctly positioned itself with perfect marketing timing for all its products, services and opportunity. Make it your perfect time by joining TCN today.
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