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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Text Marketing Works!

Mobile marketers have utilized text message marketing in creative ways stretching simple binary text messages of 160 characters or less into engaging programs for consumers. These consist of mobile coupons, instant information, rewards and loyalty programs, and some text message purchasing.

Many of us are familiar with President Obama’s success utilizing mobile text message marketing when he was blasting out campaign updates to nearly 3 million subscribers. However, brands have seen great results as well engaging consumers with their products and services. Coca Cola boasts over a million subscribers that use text message marketing to engage with the My Coke rewards program. Coca Cola is not alone as Ashley Furniture, Jiffy Lube, Papa Johns, Subway, Best Buy, Village Inn, Arby’s and many other brands are successfully implementing text message marketing campaigns.

Engaging prospects or consumers and subscribing them to your mobile marketing program is just the beginning. You can continue to deliver consumer friendly ads and wireless marketing by creating creative campaigns of interest to your target audience followed up with incentives for that consumer to engage with you products or services. Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort in Oregon opt-ed in the subscriber database by providing consumers weather condition updates at the resort. For many consumers in the area this is a valuable service and information. Once consumers were opt-ed in to the mobile marketing program the resort sent mobile coupons for discounts to drive increased business.

It is also important to keep in mind that kids and teens are no longer the only active audience for text message marketing. 47% of those utilizing the My Coke rewards mobile program were 35 and older. This bodes well for text message and mobile marketing as it seems audiences that are typically engaged in traditional marketing channels are welcoming a new experience and opportunity to engage with brands, products, and services. The Nielsen Company reported at the end of 2008 those 45 and younger are now sending more text messages a month (236) than making phone calls (223). This isn’t an anomaly, this is the growing trend and year after year text message usage and engagement continues to grow exponentially across all age demographics.

So, does text message marketing work? You better believe it. Text message marketing is a great place for your business to reach consumers. Mobile web, apps, and media are certainly becoming more relevant as billions of dollars are being spent in mobile infrastructure upgrades each year to handle the huge appetite for mobile in the U.S. but text message marketing is already widely adopted. 3 billion texts are sent a day in the U.S. alone. What is your mobile marketing strategy? Check out Text Cash Network Today!!!!!!

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