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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Opt-In Text Network

What’s the most effective ways to reach prospective clients? 
There are lots of traditional marketing methods, many that are
effective – such as mail or telephone marketing. But nothing gets
in front of your prospects as quickly, and as inexpensively, as Text Marketing.
A good marketing campaign is only as good as your marketing lists.
You can certainly reach a huge audience with Text Marketing
but if your Text Marketing list is not specific for your needs, or the recipient 
does not want the information, it’s a waste of your time. That’s why it’s so
essential to use opt in email lists and an extensive recipient profiling system.

With opt in lists, the recipient has agreed or requested that he or she receive
your information. This allows us to create powerful Text Marketing lists.
If you are interested in marketing to other businesses, we can generate an 
Text Marketing list that is based on company industry, employee size, 
revenue, position or title within the company, sales, etc. We can even put
together opt in text lists that are specific to type of phone, computer, software, 
or machines used.

If you want to market to customers, we can base Text Marketing lists on a
variety of demographics – including age, gender, buying patterns, income,
etc. With these Text Marketing lists, you can reach customers almost immediately,
and you can track their interest in your text and their response.

Texting has become a prominent and powerful communication tool, and it’s an
equally powerful marketing tool. Our opt in text lists are accurate, detailed and
guaranteed to get your company front and center in your marketing efforts. 
Whether you want to reach other businesses or customers, we develop a
Text Marketing list that delivers a knock-out punch. For more information
about our opt in Text Marketing, get with a TCN Text Marketing Specialist today.

Join Now for FREE!

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Today is: Sunday, February 05, 2012
Referral Agent: Ronald M Perkins
Referral Agent ID: 110288520

© 2011 Text Cash Network, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

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