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Thursday, February 16, 2012


A Burst of Nature!

NatraBurst is a powerful food source consisting of a wide variety of premium ingredients, which work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each serving contains the equivalent of more than 6 servings of vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC value of 4,000+. Additionally, NatraBurst will help support lean muscle mass with its concentration of high quality protein.
  • Increases Energy
  • Reduces Appetite
  • Strengthens Immune Function
  • Improves Digestion
  • Supports Blood Sugar/Insulin
  • Promotes Fat Loss
  • Rebuilds and Repair Anti-Aging
  • Promotes Healthy Skin
  • Supports Cardiovascular Health
  • Supports the Body's Healthy State of Alkalinity


NatraBurst™ has Multiple uses – can be used in between or prior to meals to suppress appetite, or larger serving mixed in milk or juice could replace a meal. Can also be taken anytime for high nutritional value. Will enhance the value of nearly any food or beverage, such as juices, milk, yogurt, pudding, cookies, etc. 



NatraBurst™ provides a wide variety of nutrients in ONE formula. You would typically need to purchase multiple products to achieve the same benefits.  One serving of NatraBurst™ gives you more than taking dozens of capsules!

A Powerhouse of Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Enzymes, Antioxidants & More... 

  • Natural fiber
  • More antioxidants than 6 servings of fruits and vegetables
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Prebiotics & Probiotics for improved digestive health
  • Resveratrol, Grape Seed, Quercitin
  • Natural appetite suppressants
  • Good tasting
  • More than 30 super foods containing potent phyto (plant) nutrients
  • Reduces Appetite
An overview of the exceptional ingredients…


Brown Rice Protein – an excellent hypoallergenic protein source that is also an ideal option for those who adhere to vegetarian/vegan diets. Protein is an extremely important nutrient...Protein is an extremely important nutrient...
  • Required for building and repair of body tissues (including muscle)
  • Contains enzymes, hormones, and many immune molecules
  • Essential for body processes such as balancing hydration, nutrient transport, and muscle contraction.
  • A source of energy and increases metabolism
  • Controls hunger
  • Helps keep skin, hair, and nails healthy



Barley Grass - acts as a free radical scavenger that can reduce inflammation and pain. It is also thought to be able to help the body attack cancer cells.
Chlorella - a superior source of protein, chlorophyll, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and disease-preventive phytonutrients. 
Spirulina– protects from oxidant stress and strongly supports the immune system and a healthy inflammatory response. Scientific studies suggest it may be especially good for the brain, heart, immune system and more.
Wheat Grass – a strong antioxidant, detoxifier and free radical scavenger.  It cleanses the blood & restores alkalinity, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body. 
Carrot – one of the richest sources of vitamin A. It also ranks high as a source of the other vitamins, especially those of the B complex. Its mineral content is equally rich, and includes calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, and iron.
Broccoli in recent years, broccoli has made the headlines regarding components found in the vegetable. For instance, indole-3-carbinol has captured the attention of those looking to prevent hormone-related cancers, such as breast- and prostate cancer. Additionally, the health benefits of broccoli have been linked to preventing and controlling the following medical concerns: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, calcium deficiencies, stomach and colon cancer, malignant tumors, lung cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and even the aging process.
Cauliflower – Cruciferous vegetables, including the cauliflower, are known for their cancer fighting benefits. A rich source of vitamin C and other antioxidants.
Spinach –The vitamins in spinach, plus the fiber, folic acid, magnesium, lutein and other nutrients may help control cancer, especially colon, lung and breast cancers. Folate also lowers the blood levels of homocysteine, a protein that damages arteries. The flavonoids in spinach help protect against age related memory loss. Spinach also contains ‘lutein,’ which makes it one of the best foods in the world to prevent cataracts, as well as age related macular degeneration, the leading cause of preventable blindness in the elderly.
Beet – contains high levels of anti-carcinogens and carotenoids.  Beets are also loaded with antioxidants, which help protect against cancer and heart disease.  Supports healthy liver function and can help keep arteries flexible.
Aloe Vera – the virtues of Aloe Vera have been recorded by various civilizations for thousands of years. In recent history, numerous scientific studies have also concluded that high quality Aloe Vera used internally or topically can have astounding health benefits, ranging from strengthening the immune system, accelerating healing, improving digestive problems, etc. Aloe Vera truly is 'THE MIRACLE PLANT!' Its uses and benefits are so wide ranging, new applications for this incredible herb are being consistently discovered!

Turmeric – one of nature’s most powerful healers. It has been used in Indian medicine for more than 2,000 years. It has been long known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a powerful antioxidant.

Cilantro – an antioxidant and detoxifier. Cilantro is known to be rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids and active phenolic acid compounds, which are all very good for supporting optimum health.

Mangosteen –  a fruit originally used in Southeast Asia for its health benefits. Mangosteen is high in antioxidants and may have health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.

Acerola Berry – can help strengthen the immune system, speed up the healing of wounds, prevent heart disease, and even protect your body against cancer. Acerola is very rich in vitamin C, which is one reason why it is so powerful in strengthening the immune system and fighting off diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Red Beet Root – the red pigment in beets raises antioxidant enzyme levels in the liver and may promote detoxification in the intestines, blood and liver. Colon cancer research has also shown that consumption of beet fiber may increase colonic CD8 cells, which detect and remove abnormal cells.

Pomegranate – has excellent antioxidant qualities. Pomegranate juice has been shown to work well as a blood thinner. Some research has shown it may be an excellent agent for promoting blood flow to the heart. It also has been shown to reduce plaque in the arteries, and to raise “good” levels of cholesterol while helping lower “bad” cholesterol. This preliminary research suggests that pomegranate juice may be helpful in preventing heart disease, heart attacks and stroke.

Green Tea Extract - contains powerful antioxidants (flavonoids) that can help protect heart disease, cancer and stroke. Green Tea has metabolism boosting benefits and increases the metabolic rates, reduces hunger and speeds up fat oxidation.

Quercitin – a naturally occurring substance known as bioflavonoid that is found in high concentrations in the skin of apples, red onions, citrus fruits and red grapes. It is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.Quercetin benefits may also include the reduction of anxiety, depression and even fatigue.

Resveratrol – the most and popular sources of resveratrol are in red wine and grapes. Some have dubbed resveratrol the "Fountain of Youth" because of its reported anti-aging properties. It is an anti-inflammatory and can also increase energy levels and lower blood sugar.

Grape Seed Extract – is thought to be one of the most powerful antioxidants, considered to be more than 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E.

Blueberry – another very powerful antioxidant, thought to improve immunity, promote urinary tract health, brain health and may even help reduce ‘belly fat.’

Tomato/Lycopene – tomato products are the richest sources of lycopene. As a powerful antioxidant, lycopene helps neutralize harmful free radicals, which may be responsible for many illnesses, including cancer, heart disease and other age related illnesses.
Rich in fiber which provides a feeling of fullness and contributes to digestive health.
Brown Rice Protein – an excellent hypoallergenic protein source that is also an ideal option for those who adhere to vegetarian/vegan diets. Protein is an extremely important nutrient...Protein is an extremely important nutrient...

  • Flax
  • Brown Rice Bran
  • Oat Betaglucan
  • Apple Pectin
Includes important enzymes that will help break down proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Papain
  • Protease
  • Amylase
  • Lipase
  • Cellulase
  • Lactase
  • Glutamine
This special digestive blend also includes probiotics, which assist with digestion and protect against harmful bacteria.
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus Casei
  • Lactobacillus Reuteri
  • Bifidobacterium Breve
  • Bifidobacterium Rhamnosus
  • Fructooligosaccharides
  • Lactospore™

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Stevia, Berry Blast Flavor Contains NO yeast, corn, wheat, gluten, preservatives, artificial flavoring, artificial color or artificial sweeteners.
DIRECTIONS:  Mix one level scoop of NatraBurst™ with 8-10 ounces of water or your favorite beverage.  May increase or decrease fluid to reach desired consistency.
NOTE: Unlike 'Dietary Supplements,' NatraBurst™ does not have vitamins and minerals added.  Instead, it is formulated with high quality food concentrates, which contain a wide variety of nutrients that are present in their natural form.  Therefore, it is classified as a "Food,"  and the nutritional information (Nutrition Facts) displayed on the label is structured to comply with FDA labeling regulations for food products.  The label content is only a partial representation of the actual nutritional value of the product.  We are confident that if you research some of the terrific ingredients in NatraBurst™, you will be assured that it provides an exceptional levels of valuable nutrients not found in other pr

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In 12 to 36 Hours

In 12 to 36 Hours - Make sure you are ad qualified!!!

The $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Text is going out!!!

Join For Free Today

THE TCN 100K Give-A-Way!!!


WARNING! Don't miss out! Place Your Ads TODAY!

$100,000 Give-A-Way is HERE!

CELEBRATING 100 Days of Pre-Launch!
With A $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Promo!

Today may be the day and all you need to do to qualify to win is:

#1 Place your ad in the "Get The Word Out" System and stay active. Don't let the CLOCK RUN OUT.

#2A. Respond to your $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Text when you receive it. To see if you have WON!

#2B. Even if you have a problem responding to your $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Text you can log into your back office and respond there.



REMEMBER: Even though we promote VIP and VIP PLUS Advertising Packages. TCN is the #1 FREE Opportunity Model on The Planet.


#1 - You must have an SMS that is VALIDATED - As long as you can receive the SMS you will be able to VALIDATE if you have WON from your back office via the INTERNET.

#2 - You need to be able to receive an SMS Text

#3 - Your SMS/Text Back Office Profile Must Be Completed

#4 - Your "Get The Word Out System" must be active at the time the text is sent.

BONUS: VIP Winners Receive An Additional 100% Match On All Personal Real Cash Winnings!!! 

 Join For Free Today

Tuesday, February 14, 2012



WARNING! Don't miss out! Place Your Ads TODAY!

$100,000 Give-A-Way is HERE!

CELEBRATING 100 Days of Pre-Launch!
With A $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Promo!

Today may be the day and all you need to do to qualify to win is:

#1 Place your ad in the "Get The Word Out" System and stay active. Don't let the CLOCK RUN OUT.

#2A. Respond to your $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Text when you receive it. To see if you have WON!

#2B. Even if you have a problem responding to your $100,000.00 Give-A-Way Text you can log into your back office and respond there.



REMEMBER: Even though we promote VIP and VIP PLUS Advertising Packages. TCN is the #1 FREE Opportunity Model on The Planet.

We have not yet opened our Advertising Doors to Businesses yet and already rates us in the top 5 companies on the planet for Internet Traffic.

Join Today

Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Values

As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers, Referral Agents and partners and have a passion for business. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, Referral Agents, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality.

Above all, TCN values its people; the Customers who benefit from our services, the Referral Agents who make our success possible, and the corporate team that supports them. TCN is founded in the belief that the ultimate strength of any company lies solely in its people. We believe our people are part of an amazing force where they are building businesses, creating better lives and recognizing that everyone has unlimited potential locked up inside them just waiting for an opportunity like this. At TCN our vision is about ordinary lives, all over the world, being transformed into the extraordinary lives, each individual at a time.  Join TCN NOW!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Text Cash Network Free SMS cash

For More Information Check it out here
Text Cash Network is one chance out of many, now what are you going to do with it? You will find a million excuses why most people don't take action in their life. Some of us are perfectly fine with this, but if you're like me you want more. Many people are happy just to stand about listening for orders. And it is not unusual to adopt a follow-the-leader mentality. But maybe, somewhere inside of you, you feel the desire to make things happen - to be the head, not the tail. Then perhaps leadership just suits you fine.

Many people think that fantastic leaders are made, not born. Yes, it may be accurate that many people are born with natural talents. Nevertheless, with out practice, with out drive, with out enthusiasm, and without experience, there could be no true development in leadership. You must also remember that good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their natural abilities. This takes a commitment to constantly enhance in whatever endeavor an individual chooses. First of all, let's define leadership. To be a leader, one should be in a position to influence other people to accomplish a objective, or an objective. He contributes towards the organization and cohesion of a group.

Can you be the leader inside of TCN? The TCN will follow within the steps of Groupon & Living Social and plan to dominate the text to save market place. Living Social when they reached 16 million members raised a hundred seventy five million dollars from Amazon and has since grown to forty six million members. Groupon with forty four million turned down $six billion dollars from Google and has since grown to over 80 million members. The market is estimated at $133 billion dollars that local business spend each calendar year on advertising just in the North America.

TCN is one of the first within the industry to go after The TEXT TO SAVE MARKET PLACE estimated to be The next big format in Usa Business Advertising. People motivated by the T.C.N. Pay Plan will generate commissions via a 10 level Referral Plan with a 100% Matching Bonus. Members will derive income from text messages received from their network, business and personal ads placed by advertisers and by business accounts received by T.C.N. in house sales representatives.

The next part is on you, the Text Cash Network can show you the way and give you bits and pieces of motivation but they can't force you to take action. You will be the guiding push behind your achievement. Individuals are joining every day and you will be able to reap some advantages, but it is time for you to become the leader that you are. Inside of us all is a burning fire to help other people and achieve greatness. If you have been waiting for that ideal opportunity to step up towards the plate, now is the occasion. So, do you have the drive and the motivation to serve required of front-runners? Do you have the desire to work cooperatively with many other individuals? Then begin now. Take your stand and be the leader right now. The coach is calling you into the game, lets play ball.
Check it out on youtube also

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The $500 Promise!!!

If We Don't Keep Our Promise TCN Pays You $500!
#1 Join TCN for 100% FREE. Takes 2 Minutes.
#2 Watch Your Power Line Grow by 100+ Daily.
#3 Watch Your Power Line Grow by 1000+ in 10 Days.
#4 If TCN fails to keep #3 promise. TCN Pays You $500!
Our team is the fastest growing team on the internet.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Financial Rewards

TCN's Compensation Plan is unmatched in the Network Marketing industry. With TCN, you are in control of the income you make, positioning you to earn as little or as much as you like; combining immediate bonus potential to fuel your growing business, with long-term, wealth building income to change your life. Isn’t it time you finally earned what you're worth? By helping people get a better deal or by introducing them to this great opportunity, you get paid on them for as long as they remain a TCN Customer, TCN Member or TCN Referral Agent. That's the power of residual income and by teaching others to do exactly the same thing; you get paid for their efforts too. The more people you teach, the larger your organization will grow, and the more money you are positioned to earn. TCN offers several levels of involvement as follows;

A TCN Free Member is a person who registers with TCN to receive opt-in texts and/or e-mails regarding savings, coupons, special offers and daily deals from local, national and international merchants.

A TCN Referral Agent is a Free Member who also agrees to help "Get the Word Out" to others via the TCN Advertising Platform in their TCN Referral Agent Back Office and/or by referring their personal website link to others. TCN Referral Agents can qualify to be compensated in: The TCN Power-Grid and The TCN Power-Line Compensation Plans

A TCN VIP Referral Agent is a Referral Agent who has agreed to participate in helping the company offer an initial VIP Adverting Package to a merchant of TCN's choosing by purchasing a Wholesale VIP Advertising Package which is then used at TCN’s discretion as a demonstration package for potential advertisers. TCN VIP Referral Agents can qualify to be compensated in: The TCN Power-Grid; The TCN Power-Line; The TCN Power-Share; The TCN Power-Grid Match; The TCN Power-Line Match; The TCN Power-Share Match and TCN Power-Perks Compensation Plans.

There are no commissions paid for the act of Referring people into the TCN Opportunity and there is no requirement to purchase products or services to earn with TCN.
TCN Opportunity Disclaimer: The Text Cash Network is a 100% Free Opportunity. No commissions are paid for the act of recruiting. Compensation is earned only when; A Member or Referral Agent provides a service to the company such as receiving up to 5 texts or e-mails daily is a service or placing a daily Ad; When a Member or Referral Agent sells or purchases a product or service. Any purchase of any product or service is 100% optional. There are three levels of involvement: TCN Members, Referral Agents & VIP Referral Agents. VIP Referral Agents have sold a TCN VIP Advertising Package to a Non-Member or Non-Referral Agent or have or purchased TCN VIP Advertising for themselves.

TCN Power-Share Disclaimer: If a Member or Referral Agent wants to participate in The TCN Power-Share Program, they must be very clear that you are purchasing a Text Packages for TCN to give away as free example for businesses to try our service 100%.. You are NOT purchasing stock or any other form of "investment" or equity. You MUST give the Pre-paid Texts to The TCN Power-Share Program. Affiliates who present our products to others in a misleading manner or in a way that leads the buyer to believe he or she is making an investment or purchasing equities will be terminated and all commissions and awards will be forfeited. Buyers MUST read "How the TCN Power-Share Works" on The Text Cash Network website and The Legal Disclaimers."

Legal Disclaimer: The above examples are intended as educational material only and are not to be considered as projections of your actual earnings. They are intended only to explain the method of compensation. Your actual earnings will depend on many factors such as personal effort, ability, and the efforts of your down-line. Earnings will vary from individual to individual. Some Referral Agents may earn much more than others. Some Referral Agents will earn nothing. NO EARNINGS ARE GUARANTEED. While your up-line Referral Agents are expected to help you with training and support, it is not reasonable to expect earnings without significant ongoing personal effort. Any promises to the contrary from other Referral Agents should be disregarded. You should carefully consider your level of commitment before becoming involved.


Join Now for FREE!

Category Links


» Why TCN

» Market Trends & Timing

» Financial Rewards

  » Power-Grid

  » Power-Line

  » Power-Share

  » Power-Match

  » Power-Perks

» Leadership Support Team

  » Unparalleled Support

» TCN Roadmap to Success

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Power Line

The Power-Line Compensation System is a unique and Patent Pending method of rewarding everyone no matter what their level of achievement as long as the Referral Agent places daily ads for TCN via the TCN Ad Platform. From a Free Referral Agent to a VIP Referral Agent with many personally referred everyone has the ability to earn with the TCN Power-Line System and by utilizing the Power-Line Point Accumulation System all Referral Agents are rewarded accordingly for their respective efforts.

The are two types of Power-Line Compensation positions or entries within the Power-Line itself which are;

#1 Initial Position: Every Referral Agent is given one Initial Position in the TCN Power-Line Compensation System when they register or signup.

#2 Linked Bonus Point Accumulator Entry: These are additional entries that are inserted in the Power-Line to reward the Initial Position with more points via the direct link to it. There is NO LIMIT to the amount of additional Link Bonus Point Accumulator Entries that a Referral Agent can earn based on their personal effort and/or the efforts of all Referral Agents in the company. You can not refer anyone to or from a Linked Bonus Point Accumulator Entry.

All Power-Line Positions are based on the Free Model Compensation Plan as described below;

Every Referral Agent instantly gets an automatic Initial Position or placement in the Power-Line and 100 Power-Line Points upon registering or signing up as a TCN Referral Agent.

A Free Referral Agent with a valid email or mobile phone number gets a Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entry in the Power-Line every time 10,000 Initial Positions are placed below or after their Initial Position in the Power-Line and 50 Power-Line Points; with a maximum of 1 Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entry added a day.

A Free Referral Agent with a valid email or mobile phone number with 2 personal referrals who have a valid email or mobile phone number gets a Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entry every time 10,000 Initial Positions are placed below their Initial Position in the Power-Line and 50 Power-Line Points; with a maximum of 2 Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries added a day. Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries are calculated and inserted several times daily based on the efforts of all Referral Agents with the company.

A Free Referral Agent with a valid email or mobile phone number with 5 personal referrals who have a valid email or mobile phone number gets a Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entry every time 5,000 Initial Positions are placed below their Initial Position in the Power-Line and 50 Power-Line Points; with a maximum of 5 Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries added a day. Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries are calculated and inserted several times daily based on the efforts of all Referral Agents with the company.

A Free Referral Agent with valid email or mobile phone number with 10 personal referrals who have a valid email or mobile phone number gets a Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entry every time 2,500 Initial Positions are placed below their Initial Position in the Power-Line and 50 Power-Line Points; with a maximum of 10 Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries added a day. Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries are calculated and inserted several times daily based on the efforts of all Referral Agents with the company.

A Free Referral Agent with a valid email or mobile phone number with 20 personal referrals who have a valid email or mobile phone number gets a Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entry every time 1,000 Initial Positions are placed below their Initial Position in the Power-Line and 50 Power-Line Points; with a maximum of 20 Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries added a day. Linked Bonus Point Accumulation Entries are calculated and inserted several times daily based on the efforts of all Referral Agents with the company.
Additional Power-Line Points will be earned by TCN VIP Referral Agents.

TCN funds The Power-Line Compensation by adding a percentage of dollars from all VIP Sales, Advertising Sales, Products Sales and Promotions and what is commonly referred to as Compensation Plan Breakage to the Power-Line Compensation Pool which is then paid out based on the Power-Line Point Accumulation System. All accumulated funds will be dispensed quarterly to all Referral Agents and VIP Referral Agents using The Power-Line Point Accumulation System as described below.  Join The Power Line Today

TCN Opportunity Disclaimer: The Text Cash Network is a 100% Free Opportunity. No commissions are paid for the act of recruiting. Compensation is earned only when; A Member or Referral Agent provides a service to the company such as receiving up to 5 texts or e-mails daily is a service or placing a daily Ad; When a Member or Referral Agent sells or purchases a product or service. Any purchase of any product or service is 100% optional. There are three levels of involvement: TCN Members, Referral Agents & VIP Referral Agents. VIP Referral Agents have sold a TCN VIP Advertising Package to a Non-Member or Non-Referral Agent or have or purchased TCN VIP Advertising for themselves.

Legal Disclaimer: The above examples are intended as educational material only and are not to be considered as projections of your actual earnings. They are intended only to explain the method of compensation. Your actual earnings will depend on many factors such as personal effort, ability, and the efforts of your down-line. Earnings will vary from individual to individual. Some Referral Agents may earn much more than others. Some Referral Agents will earn nothing. NO EARNINGS ARE GUARANTEED. While your up line Referral Agents are expected to help you with training and support, it is not reasonable to expect earnings without significant ongoing personal effort. Any promises to the contrary from other Referral Agents should be disregarded. You should carefully consider your level of commitment before becoming involved.

Opt-In Text Network

What’s the most effective ways to reach prospective clients? 
There are lots of traditional marketing methods, many that are
effective – such as mail or telephone marketing. But nothing gets
in front of your prospects as quickly, and as inexpensively, as Text Marketing.
A good marketing campaign is only as good as your marketing lists.
You can certainly reach a huge audience with Text Marketing
but if your Text Marketing list is not specific for your needs, or the recipient 
does not want the information, it’s a waste of your time. That’s why it’s so
essential to use opt in email lists and an extensive recipient profiling system.

With opt in lists, the recipient has agreed or requested that he or she receive
your information. This allows us to create powerful Text Marketing lists.
If you are interested in marketing to other businesses, we can generate an 
Text Marketing list that is based on company industry, employee size, 
revenue, position or title within the company, sales, etc. We can even put
together opt in text lists that are specific to type of phone, computer, software, 
or machines used.

If you want to market to customers, we can base Text Marketing lists on a
variety of demographics – including age, gender, buying patterns, income,
etc. With these Text Marketing lists, you can reach customers almost immediately,
and you can track their interest in your text and their response.

Texting has become a prominent and powerful communication tool, and it’s an
equally powerful marketing tool. Our opt in text lists are accurate, detailed and
guaranteed to get your company front and center in your marketing efforts. 
Whether you want to reach other businesses or customers, we develop a
Text Marketing list that delivers a knock-out punch. For more information
about our opt in Text Marketing, get with a TCN Text Marketing Specialist today.

Join Now for FREE!

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  » Text Marketing Works!

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Today is: Sunday, February 05, 2012
Referral Agent: Ronald M Perkins
Referral Agent ID: 110288520

© 2011 Text Cash Network, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Text Marketing Works!

Mobile marketers have utilized text message marketing in creative ways stretching simple binary text messages of 160 characters or less into engaging programs for consumers. These consist of mobile coupons, instant information, rewards and loyalty programs, and some text message purchasing.

Many of us are familiar with President Obama’s success utilizing mobile text message marketing when he was blasting out campaign updates to nearly 3 million subscribers. However, brands have seen great results as well engaging consumers with their products and services. Coca Cola boasts over a million subscribers that use text message marketing to engage with the My Coke rewards program. Coca Cola is not alone as Ashley Furniture, Jiffy Lube, Papa Johns, Subway, Best Buy, Village Inn, Arby’s and many other brands are successfully implementing text message marketing campaigns.

Engaging prospects or consumers and subscribing them to your mobile marketing program is just the beginning. You can continue to deliver consumer friendly ads and wireless marketing by creating creative campaigns of interest to your target audience followed up with incentives for that consumer to engage with you products or services. Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort in Oregon opt-ed in the subscriber database by providing consumers weather condition updates at the resort. For many consumers in the area this is a valuable service and information. Once consumers were opt-ed in to the mobile marketing program the resort sent mobile coupons for discounts to drive increased business.

It is also important to keep in mind that kids and teens are no longer the only active audience for text message marketing. 47% of those utilizing the My Coke rewards mobile program were 35 and older. This bodes well for text message and mobile marketing as it seems audiences that are typically engaged in traditional marketing channels are welcoming a new experience and opportunity to engage with brands, products, and services. The Nielsen Company reported at the end of 2008 those 45 and younger are now sending more text messages a month (236) than making phone calls (223). This isn’t an anomaly, this is the growing trend and year after year text message usage and engagement continues to grow exponentially across all age demographics.

So, does text message marketing work? You better believe it. Text message marketing is a great place for your business to reach consumers. Mobile web, apps, and media are certainly becoming more relevant as billions of dollars are being spent in mobile infrastructure upgrades each year to handle the huge appetite for mobile in the U.S. but text message marketing is already widely adopted. 3 billion texts are sent a day in the U.S. alone. What is your mobile marketing strategy? Check out Text Cash Network Today!!!!!!

Give Yourself a Raise!

Give Yourself a Raise!
If You Could, Would You?
Now You Can!!! Start Right NOW!
Get Paid Every 24 Hours!
Earn $1000's Weekly!
What Are You Waiting For?
IT'S 100% FREE



The #1 Free Model System in 200 Countries.
In 2012 TCN expects over ONE MILLION AGENTS
#1 Join TCN for 100% FREE. Takes 2 Minutes.
#2 Help Get The Word Out To Everyone You Know.
Our team is the fastest growing team on the internet.